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Promoting a Safer Church

We want Bewsborough Parish all of our Churches and worshipping communities to be welcoming and safe places for everyone. In particular we put an incredibly high value on the safety of our children, young people and those who are vulnerable. As such all our volunteers are interviewed and DBS checked before being appointed.

Any ministry among young people is working towards keeping children and young people safe and sound. With this in mind we have appointed the following people into key roles in the Parish:

Parish Safeguarding Coordinators:

Jenny Groombridge    07861 183733
Ann Welti                    01304 830768

Parish Disclosure Officer

Jenny Groombridge

The people we have supporting in these roles take great care in looking out for those in our Churches who may need support. They are also available to speak to about any issues or concerns you may have. 

Parish Safeguarding Policy Statement

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of the Parish of Bewsborough has adopted the safeguarding policies and procedures of the Church of England. In particular we are committed to:

  • the safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults
  • carefully selecting and training paid and voluntary staff who might come into contact with children or vulnerable adults, using the Disclosure and Barring Service amongst other tools, to check their suitability
  • responding without delay to every complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed
  • co-operating fully with the police, local authority and any other appropriate statutory body in any investigation
  • ministering appropriately to anyone, child or adult, who has experienced abuse
  • extending pastoral care to those known to have offended against children or vulnerable adults whilst ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected from them.

Approved by the Parochial Church Council on 28th April 2024.

A PDF copy of the signed Parish Safeguarding Policy Statement can be found here.

Additional information

Our Parish Safeguarding Officers are available to speak with adults or children, for their contact numbers please view the Safeguarding Policy Statement link above.

Canterbury Diocese Safeguarding Information is online, and available here.

cl logo no number-sm 0 w150-15Any child wishing to talk about a problem can contact Childline on 0800 1111 or online at

4kuTSM web w150-150x51-150x51Any parent or carer wishing to talk about parenting problems can contact Family Lives on 0808 800 2222 or online at

NSPCC-150x36-1-150x36Let’s talk  PANTS !
                                NSPCC’s “Talk PANTS” video teaches children important messages, like their body belongs to them and they should tell an adult if they’re upset or   

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Churches in the Bewsborough Parish 

We are blessed with 5 wonderful Churches in our Parish. Click on the images below to visit each of them and find out what is going on.

St.Nicholas 1

St. Nicholas Church, Barfrestone  


St. Pancras 1

St. Pancras Church, Coldred


St Andrew 1    

St. Andrew's Church, Shepherdswell


St. Peter 1

St. Peter's Church, Whitfield

St. Peter & St. Paul  

St. Peter & St. Paul's Church, Eythorne & Elvington with Waldershare